Monday, March 5, 2018

Tech Tip: Text to Voice

I personally couldn't think of any use for the text to speech option of Google Chrome but that doesn't mean I dislike it. I just am more of a visual person than an auditory person in terms of learning so I don't think hearing it unless I'm reading along with it in my head would truly help me. I do like audiobooks but I feel that this is different because audiobooks tell a story and I wouldn't use this application for my note necessarily. I don't normally use a voice to text application but sometimes if I am driving I will use my phone's Siri to send a text out by saying it aloud. This is useful in this sense because it is quick and easy without distracting me, but in terms of school work I can't ever see this being useful for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Gavin! Thank you for bringing this cool tech tip to my attention. I had not heard or seen this before. I am not sure how much use I will get out of it. However, it is still really cool to know that I can use this tool. I think I am like you when it comes to being more visual.
