Last semester in Mythology and Folklore there truly wasn't an assignment that I disliked. If anything this class was kind of an escape for me by allowing me to reflect with different assignments. The bonuses allowed me to think about how I was living my life as a person and as a student. I look forward to keep pursuing a better me by working on these type assignments. If there is anything I wish to change this semester, I wish to start doing the extra credit assignments earlier because they are entertaining, productive, and a good way for me to earn points early in this class so I can focus more on other classes. I also am excited to learn how to do more with the tech tips. These were great ways to learn how to perform actions with technology.
In terms of the core assignments of this class, my favorite ones were the writing assignments. I found it fun to be creative in making my own versions of stories in which I had read. I also enjoyed reading other people's stories and being able to comment on them. One great aspect of this class is the feedback assignments, because other student give advice that sometimes allowed me to think differently about my work and improve it.
Overall, I'm excited to dive into the material of this class and begin writing and reading stories.
I found this picture on Pixabay and found it fitting for my excitement to write new stories. |
I hope you will have fun with all the new stories, Gavin! This is the first semester where there are two sections of Indian Epics, so that will be really exciting; this semester, Myth-Folklore is the smaller class, and Indian Epics is the jumbo one, like Myth-Folklore was last semester. :-)