Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Famous Last Words: Finally getting into school work

This week I did a complete hurry up motion for this class. I decided to do all of the assignments for Week 3 between Monday and Tuesday. I will say this did take a lot of time but the reasoning I had behind this was to focus on other school work throughout the week. I'm one of these guys where I like putting my mind to something and getting it done. Sometimes this can be a problem because I can't focus on anything else or I get stressed but this seemed to be positive work for me this week. Now I can focus on studying for the DAT and my other classes and not have to pick this one up until next Monday.

In terms of the work I did for this week in this class, I would say the readings weren't exactly what I was expecting. So far I haven't dived as deep into the readings as I found I did last semester with the mythology and folklore class. I do however think I have an early understanding of what I want my stories to be like and therefore the content of my stories seem to be better. I would say that I could probably make a few revisions to my writing, but the content is ahead of where I was last semester.

In terms of other classes, I need to start taking better notes. I can feel that I'm not performing as well as I should be and I'm going to have to cram if I don't start taking notes soon. Luckily I have the rest of the week to try and get a hold of this. One thing I've done the past few days is make a to-do list and so far I feel that it is helping me keep organized and get a lot done.

I found this image on Flickr to represent the To Do List I've been making on my phone.

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